Impressive collection of Asian art from Japan and China
Hakone has mountain trails and views for everyone
Hakone`s Hatajuku Yosegi Zaiku ia a traditional local craft dating back to the Edo period of Japan.
Enjoy the lake and rivers
The Hakone Open Air Museum covers over 70,000 square feet and has one of the most impressive collection of sculptures and works of Pablo Picasso in the world with a beautiful backdrop of the Hakone mountains.
A Ryokan is a Japanese traditional inn. Sometimes modern and sometimes with a history of hundreds of years. A stay in a ryokan during your time in Japan is an amazing experience
Hakone has many hiking trails with different lengths and levels of difficulty. Each Hakone trail has a wonderful story and abundant natural sites to see along the way. Hakone has just released an English hiking map available at local stations and information centers.