The health and safety of all visitors to Hakone is paramount and the Hakone DMO is committed to providing travelers with accurate and timely information about traveling to the destination, as well as to ensure that we continue to provide a safe environment for those who are visiting.
Here are some examples of safety measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in hotels, tourist
facilities, and restaurants in Hakone. We have taken these measures because your safety and
health are of great importance to us. We look forward to your visit.
*For details, please check the website of each facility.
Please enjoy Hakone while wearing a mask. Please use the frequent hand sanitization stations
and maintain preventive measures while enjoying your time in Hakone.
■About avoidance of “ThreeCs”
“Closed Spaces with poor ventilation”, “Crowded Places with many
people”, “Close Contact setting” and the importance of social distancing.
Some onsen facilities have introduced a system that allows customers to check in advance the congestion status of the large public baths with a smartphone.
・Setting up of space between changing areas and baskets with enough social distance at the public bath/onsen.
・Implement regular ventilation
・Do guest check-in/out inside the room to avoid the front/lobby area
・Adjusting the breakfast/dinner time to limit the number of guest in restaurant area.
・Installation of vinyl curtains and plexiglass partitions at the cashier counter, front desk, etc.
・Limitation of seating to allow safe physical distancing.
・Social distancing floor signs (2m) for waiting lines at cashier.
・Limitation of the number of guests at entrance to allow safe physical distancing when crowded.
■About Sanitization
・Set up alcohol disinfects at entrance, lobby area
・Frequent sanitization of guest room card keys, equipment such as pens and trays on the counter, sofas, elevator buttons and other places where many guests may touch frequently.
・Frequent cleaning and sanitization to maintain optimum hygiene levels at public spaces (hotel lobby, restrooms and onsen area)
・Frequent sanitization of hands and fingers among staff.
・Guidance to customers on infection prevention measures on our website
・Suspension of hand dryer use in the restrooms
・Temperature checks with contactless thermometers
・Wearing of masks as well as gloves when appropriate.
・Mandatory health checks upon arrival on-property.
・Preparation of special temporary cancellation policies
・Suspension of buffet-style food presentations for the time being and changing to set menu.
・Inquiries about recent travel history
・Quick entrance procedures and temperature screenings at facilities
・Post posters to promote Covid-19 awareness.
・Recommend touchless /cashless payment. Using cash tray to minimize the contact.
・Windows will be open in meeting areas for better ventilation.
Emergency Contact
Call for tourist information or assistance in the case of accidents and emergencies including novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
<Japan Visitor Hotline>
Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) operates a visitor
hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Support is available in
English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
From Japan: 050-3816-2787
From Overseas: +81-50-3816-2787